In The Beginning....What Led Me To This Place...

This is my journey, my life....good, bad, wrong, or right....I can't change the past, but I can certainly change the path I'm on, and make a better future for myself and my children. This is my story of weight loss and getting healthy.
As a kid, I was pretty active...always into something. Looking back I would say I was really good at starting something, but never good at seeing it thru. I grew up in an Italian family where food was a part of the culture.... Any good Italian family back in the day had a pot of sauce going on the stove, and a big loaf (or two) of Italian bread hanging around for dipping. Pizza and Pasta was a staple food in my were TV dinners, McDonalds, and our favorite trip to the DQ.

I was a very active teenager. There was always a neighborhood game of Baseball going on at the school yard. We rode our bikes everywhere, and in school, I participated in Track and Field, Volleyball, Basketball, etc. By far, my favorite way to pass time was Roller Skating. I lived and breathed it. There wasn't alot to do in Nebraska.

I guess I would say that I first took note of my weight as a teenager, but what teenager doesn't. I was skinny and tall, but when I looked in the mirror I would ask, "Does this make me look fat?". I thought I needed to be skinnier, so I started my dieting life here. My method of choice was over-the-counter diet pills. I remember it feeling like I had drank 40 cups of coffee at the same time.. I was wired up. I guess that explains the energy to participate in tons of sports and activities. Lol. There were times when I thought starvation would do the trick....but after a few days of that, I was so hungry I would eat it all back in a few days. So that's what they refer to as yo-yo dieting! I think it should have been called doe-doe dieting, because I was a doe doe for doing it! I think I did a real good job at screwing up my metabolism. At the age of 12, my Mother died. I was not a very happy child after that. The rug had been pulled out from under me..... Eating and food became comfort. It was a very rough time in my life.

Let's fast forward to the 20's. The teen years could be a whole different blog for me. There are plenty of stories to tell there. Who knew drinking and drugs caused you to have a case of the munchies.... Ok, I am trying to keep this about weight. I had alot of female issues as a young started at 18 to try to fix things, and ended in a full hysterectomy at around 26. I was devistated. I had alway wanted kids, and now that was gone. Again, food was what brought comfort to me. I think hormones being out of wack didn't help what happened next, but the weight started coming on fast, and I couldn't control it anymore. What I could eat before and never gain an ounce from, was making up for lose time now. I went back to dieting. Over the years leading up to now, I had done practically every diet known to man. I became an expert at the art of dieting, but never was successful at losing the weight. I read books, exercise tapes, diet programs, Doctor assisted plans, etc and yes, I even took phen-fen for a short period of time...I knew everything one would need to know about losing weight.....except for the secret on how to stick to any of it.

One in particular time, was a Doctor asissted meds program to lose weight and it worked at the time. I had about 60 pounds to lose and I did it plus some... I was so excited. I looked great, felt great, and I swore I would never go back to being overweight. I was suppose to go thru a maintenance phase and opted not to because I had thought I had this weight thing all under control. Well, not quite. I gained a few pounds, wasn't worried....gained a few more, oh I can do this....until, I got right back where I started from with an added bonus. I was even heavier. To be continued tomorrow.....

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