I am truly amazed at this point..It is June now and I am over halfway to my goal and still sticking to the program. For the most part the program has been simple to follow..I have had to adjust a little to changes, but suprisingly they are ones I met with determination..I really want this. The program is one of the easiest to follow in terms of keeping up with the guide. They make it easy for you. I truly believe that one of the keys to this program is how quick you lose weight..I think for someone like myself that wants it all to go away overnight, seeing fast results keeps me motivated. I started this journey wanting to lose 100 pounds..I am now at 67pounds down and I am still going strong. Every week I am driven to go to the next weigh-in. I don't feel I am being deprived of anything. I am not hungry, I am used to the meals and the food plan...I am adjusted and success is in my hands. I know that I will make it all the way now without a doubt...and I am more than ready, determined, and equipped to help others reach their goals too.
I am noticing incredible changes in my my body..ones that have been a long time coming. I am getting rid of the potato sack clothes and wearing more normal clothes that show my figure. I am happy with how I am looking and I want pictures of myself again. I cry everytime I think of how miserable I was, and how many years I had taken from my life. My heart goes out to those who still struggle. Don't get me wrong, this is a journey, and I knew that going in. It is about maintaining good habits of health that will keep me from going back. I have to work at this forever, but as time keeps progressing, that will get easier to manage.
I want to share my journey openly here. This is just a few of the changes I have personally seen...Here goes:
I no longer snore like a freight train!
I no longer stop breathing in the middle of the night!(apnea)
My legs don't stick together when I walk!
I don't get out of breath when I walk upstairs to my bedroom!
I no longer have 6 different sizes of clothes!
I see the scale AND my feet!
My blood pressure is normal and my blood work is coming back A-OK!
I can breath again!
I don't have problems with my knees because I am no longer trying to hold up a large body!
I like having my picture taken again!
I don't worry that people are talking about me!
I don't SUPERSIZE anything any more!
I no longer hate me...I LOVE ME!
I know, I know, all sounds goofy to most of you...but to someone who is struggling with weight, it's life saving. There are so many people suffering with the cycles of being depressed because of how they look and killing themselves by eating more. Food being the crutch that kills them. Diabetes is out there everywhere..The numbers are growing and not getting better...Now it affects huge numbers of children in the U.S....This is serious stuff folks. If you have kids...be the example of what you want them to be..If you drink and don't want a drunk..do something! If you eat and don't want a fat person, do something! We control this...there is noone to blame for our poor choices in life but ourselves. I read an article in a book..It said, that is you suffered a heart attack today, and you got up tomorrow morning...would you go right back to the same old habits or change what you had been doing? The answer for most is no we would change..but sadly some will go right back and they will die in time. To those that are lucky enough to survive a heart attack, they will take that as a warning and a second chance, and save themselves from those bad habits thqat aqre killing them. Well, we need to think that way today..We may not be the person who is given the second chance..We need to act now and there is an awesome program that can do it for us if we are just a willing party and put forth a small effort.
We live a sick society..Where we spend more time looking for ways to cure disease..instead of looking for ways to prevent disease. I am one that was on that path, but not any more! I will do everything to get myself healthy, stay that way, and share that vision with others..
I struggle...I would be lying to say this has been a total cake walk..We are human. But if you get back up every time you fall and feel yourself falling anf think about why you are hear in the first place...you will do it...I will tell you that this program is saving my life one day at a time which is how we must take this. It is a lifestyle change and changing old habits are not as easy as you think...If you are a drinker...not being around people who drink may be the lifestyle change you need to avoid the temptation..It not be fun at first, but once you make the changes..it may inspire someone else to take that same leap of faith. In time, your one single act to save yourself, could help thousands..and some of those people could be right in your own house..like your kids. They may not be overweight now, but if you do not think for a minute that your bad habits will not spill over think again.
My Mom was an overweight woman,as was her sister..I know the problems she had and how it affected her. Unfortunately me for me, my Mom died at an early age from Cancer..I am not sure her weight played a role in that but who knows. She was still restricted by her weight. I swore I would never be overweight like that..as I kid, I didn't like how it looked. Kids are cruel and sometimes people would say ugly things about my Mom. It would hurt me..yet I became an overweight Mom..It wasn't until I heard my own son tell me that he didn't want me dying because I was fat and that he would help me that made me realize I had become exactly what I did not want to be.
It is never too late...you are never too sick, too old, too this or too that...But you need to start now..You are only too late if you die..
You can make a change just like I did. If you need help, I will hold your hand every step of the way. I have been there and I am still walking thru it..but I will see it to the end..I will not go back....
I am a Health Coach now...it isn't a job, it is a true desire of my heart. I have seen what this program does, and how it has changed everything in my life for the better. I do this because I personally know what it feels likes to not like how you look...to be depressed when you are at the beach and you are the "fat chick" in the bunch. I hated it. Summertime was the time I loved the most in my skinny days and the time I hated the most in my fat days. I never wanted my picture taken so there will be years where my kids won't see my face when they look back. I felt like I didn't exist or better yet, that I didn't want to..I want to help people..the same way I was helped..This is the way to pay it forward. If you are my friend and you are currently on the program..you already know, that regardless of whether I am coaching you or not, I just want you to succeed just as much as I want myself to succeed..The more friends you have to support you, the better. Surround yourself by positive people who have a good grip on this program.Connect yourself with a coach that is not in it for the money, but it for your success and will keep in touch and keep you on track. Find a Coach you can connect with. Having a coach is so very important..The world is full of opinions on how to lose weight and what will work and not work. I have done them all and I am here to tell you that this works best..and it can work for you. With anything, it is about you taking the steps youself and being happy where you are..If you want to lose weight, you have to make the effort. If you make the change, be prepared for things around you to change and the pieces that don't fit will go away to make room for ones that do.
I WANT TO LIVE!...In the end, no donut, McDonald shake, no pizza, or beer will be with me.. It is a journey..One that comes with Focus, sacrifice, discipline...and loving yourself in the process..I wish you all the best..If this helps you in any way..let me know. I want to reach out to people and encourage them to make this step in their own lives..
Best of luck in your journey...I will be the one in the cheering section..rooting you on..