My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me!

"We can confidently walk into anything God brings our way. You can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). Nothing is too big for God."

How true. One day I am looking in the mirror thinking I will never see thin again, wondering when my health issues will get the best of me...scared for my children remembering what it was like to lose my Mom at the age of twelve....and the in a matter of months, I am seeing myself 77.5 pounds lighter and loving life, getting things back in order again. That's right...I made it past the 75 pound mark.. I am officially 3/4 of the way to my goal. Since the last time we have talked so many incredible things have happened. First, I want to share my surprise with you.

The last time I was blogged, I told you about a new thing I was working on. I finally got it up and going, and I am happy to announce "Coaches Corner" audio messages! Each week, I take a different health-related topic and I talk about it on a recorded message. It's about 5 minutes long, but topics that I feel each of you will find helpful and informative. You can even go back and listen to the ones you miss or hear them again. If you visit either of my sites...My group page called BE SLIM BUDDIES GROUP, or my other health Page called GET SLIM 4 GOOD, both with hold the weekly postings every Monday..and then also under the Discussions tab. I hope you enjoy them and ask that you please provide me your feedback on either site and suggestions for other weekly topics.

Now, moving forward...My husband and oldest son (Age 11) have completed their Blackbelt testing and have been awarded their belt levels. I am so proud of them both. Bob, has gotten his 2nd degree, and Michael,(who has grown up during this process and now wants to be called Mike) has gotten his 1st degree blackbelt. They worked hard for years and it has paid off..Their determination and how the Martial Arts is taught...kinda mirrors what I must do in my weight loss. There are times when I must give it all that I have to succeed that day, but the rewards are huge. There are days when you feel you can't do it anymore, but you find that place deep inside and you push thru.. I see Martial Arts has a form of discipline, just as I find right now in the weight loss journey I take. As a result, I have decided and made the committment to my health long term...just like the Martial artist who chooses the journey to blackbelt. I want to get that belt at the end of this too..I want to finish what I start for the first time in my life. Watching my husband and son go thru this, got me to thinking. I must find a form of exercise that will help me to maintain what I have done. So, what better way than to actually start a Blackbelt journey of my own. It takes approximately 4 years. My youngest son will graduate next year if he passes his test. I will be working on my own test. Another thing I am committing see thru to the end. I will keep you posted on my weight loss journey and now I will add to it, my journey to Blackbelt..Eventually, I will reach my weight loss goal and I will transition into another phase of my life..I really feel like this will keep me focused, and connected with what is important to me. My health and my journey in life.

I will be training under Master Al Garza. I hope to get started in the next few weeks. Master Garza owns Al Garza Premier Martial Arts. He is an incredible instructor, but also an incredible man of God. It will be an honor to have his years of training and knowledge. I am so scared..Scared that I wont be able to finish it, but I going into this with an I will attitude..because that kind of attitude will create success. I am looking forward to it. Say a prayer!

As far as my weight goes, this month hasn't been crazy good, but it has been good and soon you will see a new me emerging...I ca't wait to cross the finish line...That will be an awesome day. I'll keep you posted...

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