Fat Burning Basics

Why does a person lose weight safely and quickly?
Getting Into the Fat Burning State (FB)
Being in Fat Burning
Breaking Fat Burning
Resuming Fat Burning
Why does a person lose weight safely and quickly?

This program works by putting you in a “fat burning state”. This is more technically known as a very mild "dietary ketosis." Ketosis is a stage of metabolism where your body has depleted the reserves of its main form of energy – glycogen. Once those reserves are gone, your liver will begin breaking down stored fat in the body for use as energy. Breaking down the fat yields fatty acids and three types of ketone bodies (hence, the name ketosis). The ketones are then burned by the cells in your body as an alternative fuel. We try to stay away from the name “Ketosis” because of the negativity associated with it. We will call it “Fat Burning” or the “Fat Burning State”.
Getting Into the Fat Burning State (FB)

Arguably, the worst part of being on the program is getting into FB. Our bodies have done what they’ve always done for millions of years – they’ve adapted to life as they know it. Our lives have led to us being overweight by indulging in bad foods in bad quantities. Our bodies are now used to that type of existence. Introducing a new nutritional paradigm (ketosis) to our bodies will necessitate it’s adapting to the new condition. This adaptation is stressful for the body and we will feel the effects.
First, your body will notice a dramatic drop in caloric intake at first. We’ve gotten our bodies used to abundant calories and carbohydrates for long periods of time or to an up and down pattern of calories/carbs which our bodies see as “feast or famine”. Either way, when we take the calories/carbs away, our bodies will react:
Hunger – you’re going to feel hunger because your body is used to having more than it has now. Not a typical for dieting in general.
Fatigue – you’re taking in dramatically less fuel (food) than you used to and your body will probably try to compensate by getting you to slow down your expenditure of energy. It does this by decreasing your metabolic rate. This can make you feel tired, even dizzy. It’s a type of warning that your body’s giving you saying “if you don’t get some food, I’m going to start burning fat!”
Headache – some report headaches associated with “carbohydrate withdrawl”. Whether it’s truly withdrawl or not, I don’t know. However, it certainly seems that way to those who suffer its effects. The typical headache relief methods (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin) are allowable while on MF, however your stomach may seem more sensitive to them because it’s no longer loaded with food. Try to use such products soon after having a meal and drink plenty of water.
Irritability – when your hungry, tired and/or have a headache…you can be understandably irritable. Try to keep in mind that you may be more inclined to react negatively to things during this short time and don’t go off on those who don’t deserve it.
The good news is that this transition generally lasts only 2-4 days. Once you’re in FB, you’ll feel a difference in your energy level. It will go up significantly as your body begins to enjoy having an alternative fuel source – fat stores!
Being in Fat Burning

As the ketones pervade your bloodstream to supply the cells with energy, your state of FB begins to manifest some side effects. Some of those side effects are disquieting, but they’re not bad for you.
Ketones will show up in your urine, which are sometimes able to be detected with Ketostix, but the state of ketosis that MF evokes is so mild that often such tests won’t show a positive result on the Ketostix.
One of the three types of ketones is permeable to the lungs and can pass from the blood through the lung walls and becomes incorporated into your exhalations, the same way that carbon dioxide passes out of the body. This can cause “ketosis breath” and a slight metallic taste in the mouth. This is unpleasant, but can be easily overcome with frequent brushing of teeth (a few times a day) and sugarless gum/mints.
Menses can also be affected while in ketosis. Your cycle may be disrupted or cease all together. While this is an odd occurrence for a woman, it is not completely unexpected while in this state.
You may occasionally feel hunger while in FB, but it should be more mild than normal. Since you’re eating every few hours, you shouldn’t feel that gnawing sensation associated with hunger prior to being in ketosis. As your body adapts to the new circumstances, it may even develop an internal clock that will make you mildly hungry right around meal time. For some, there is no hunger at all and people need to remember or even be reminded that they need to eat!
Another side effect for some is an increased sensitivity to cold. Hands and feet can be particularly effected. I am normally very hot blooded, yet my hands and feet became ice cold when in FB. Hot drinks (tea, coffee, MF cocoa/chai tea/mocha/cappuccino), sweaters, heat packs, etc can all help with this.

Breaking Fat Burning

Staying in Fat Burning revolves around keeping your body from getting excess carbohydrates. If your body comes to the conclusion that there are enough carbohydrates available to use as its main fuel source, it will end the FB state and resume using carbohydrates. This crash out of FB has some side effects as well:
Hunger – your body will assume that since you’re getting enough carbs to end FB, there must be ample food available. Coming out of FB and having food available is exactly the type of situation that the body has adapted for over the millennia - “Feast or Famine”. Now, it sees it as a time to feast so that you can replenish the glycogen that you depleated while getting into FB. That replenishment requires more fuel – more food! Therefore, your body tells you to eat, eat and eat. You’ll be almost insatiably hungry.
Immediate and dramatic weight gain – As your body restores its glycogen, you’re gaining weight…quickly. Several pounds in a period of a couple days is not uncommon.
Resuming Fat Burning

If you fall out of FB for some reason, the best thing to do is to start working to get right back in it. Follow the program as if you didn’t do anything to fall out.
If you “cheated” and had a candy bar or a hoagie or whatever, resume the program as if you hadn’t had it at all. Keep on your meal schedule and get in your 5 MF meals and a Lean and Green. Don’t abandon the day, weekend or week by just giving up on it because you’ve “screwed it up”. Just get right back into the program immediately.
Doing this helps to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to get back into FB. The longer you stay out of FB, the longer it takes to get back into it. So, hop right back on the wagon!


Checking in again with all my favorite peeps.. hope everything is going well. I must say that this journey has had its fair share of ups and down...Have any of you had moments where you thought... I am almost there. Close to the finish, just a few more pounds and then I can enjoy real food again? I can tell you even I have had those thoughts. It concerns me at times, and I truly think it is the old habits still buried deep within me....wishing that I would let them resurface just one time.

I could not have asked for a better program to do. This program teaches you so much. For those of you that are just starting out, I want to say "WELCOME". You are certainly in for a real experience. But know that with any weight loss journey it is no magic carpet ride.. You have to be in the game for the success to take place in your life. You must look at this as a lifestyle change and never just a diet that begins and ends.. The dieting portion ends, but then the real part of the journey begins as you work to control those emotions, feelings, and things in our life that in the past have sent us to food.

What I love about this program is the subtle way you follow on this path eating your meals and figuring out that one Lean and Green meal yet we are clueless in the beginning of any lesson being taught to us...What we don't realize is that in every turn there IS a lesson for us to be learning. Recording meals teaches us a discipline that we must always be aware of every morsel that goes in our mouth. Weighing lean portions teaches us how to identify with what a certain portion of meat might look like on our plate when faced with no way to weigh.

When I first started this program, I made it a game to see if I could properly guess the weight of a lean portion.. All I can say is good thing I had the scale to count on, because I was never close. Counting condiments is probably the one thing I understood the least.. How could a few extra sprinkles or spray really add up. But they do! Restricting them is teaching us that awareness of everything having a value in our caloric intake at the end of the day. Lastly, Exercise..We are told after the first 3 weeks to begin a mild form of exercise. People are always missing the boat on that and doing PX90, Zumba, and other intense exercise and then wondering why they are not seeing the results.. This is with many so I am not pointing fingers. Exercise will play a role in our success, but during the weight loss phase it will be more about the beginning phases of creating the habits first, then a calorie burn thing. WE have to remember that we are eating very low calorie, and too much exercise will reverse the process and cause us to stall. What we continue to do throughout the program is learn how to balance it all.. As calorie intake increases when we bring new foods back in, the exercise will need to step up to meet that. It is all calories in vs calories out and balancing that to maintain what we have lost.

I can not stress to you enough how much importance there is in following the guide as the quick start guide instructs..Measure, weight, track...it all serves a purpose down the road when do need to know our calorie intake and how many calories we burn. Don't think it is too much trouble or it is not needed...

Ok enough of that. I am getting off my soap box for now but remember it all plays are part. They created this program and they know what they are doing. If you follow it to the "T", you will reap the benefits down the road...In the meantime,

Keep pushing for your goals, have the big picture in mind. It may only be a pound or 2 you list week, but in the end it all adds up..


As I continue on my health journey....I have given a lot of thought as I get closer to the end of the weight loss phase..Frankly, it is scary. After reaching my first goal, I made a choice to transition and maintain that loss...I did really well. I went to Disney over the holiday with the family and did a great job of making good choices. But that is only a few weeks from the rest of my life. I recently decided to come back full force to the program, and get a few more pounds off now that I see I can actually do this pretty easily.

Isn't it funny how even when we lose the weight, inside we still feel like we are not done. I hear people on Facebook saying things like 10 more pounds and I can have what I want. I don't think they get it, and for a time I didn't get it either.

Losing this weight is only half the battle and If I use the mental thinking that I have accomplished it all, I will only set myself up for failure too. This journey is to change my life is for good not just for a season. We must understand that our choices going forward must be reflective of the different habits we are learning today. We have to continue to make healthy food choices, and realize that our bodies will go right back if we don't watch our choice and truly make this a habit change.

This program has not only changed how I eat, but how everyone in my house eats. I don't eat seperately. We modify a little for those not on the program in the house, but there is no reason that you have to be singled out at meal time. Everyone can eat what you are eating, and everyone can benefit from healther choices.

Don't have the mentality that you are done..don't put a time limit on your health. It is something I am learning and something you will learn as you go down this same path. If you need help with the program or are looking to lose weight and get your life on a healthy path, I would love to talk more with you..simply visit my info site at www.getslim4good.com or message me at pattie@getslim4good.com. We are in this for the long all...enjoy the ride!


Hello friends.....
I thought about what I could blog about. I want to say something that would impact lives to want to take that same plunge into getting healthy that I did... What could someone have said to me that would have made a difference? Then I was like duh, there was something said that made an impact for me... My hubby. I was so upset at where I had allowed myself to go with regard to my weight. I had looked into this program without anyone knowing because I didn't want anyone saying that it was just gonna fail again. I was running out of options outside of gastric bypass and that scared me. While watching the BL show, and hearing the doctor speak to each contestant about how bad their health was...it all took over my emotions and I got really upset. My hubby was there and I told him I had went to check out this program... He said, "Why don't you do it?" I said because I don't want it to fail and waste our money again... He said, "What if it is the one thing that works for you?".... my husbands encouragement is appreciated more than he will ever know, because that one statement changed my life.
If you have someone in your life that encourages you, you are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes we need someone to lead us. My advice to anyone thinking about making a journey to better health....don't waste time. Go for it! No matter how much you have to lose, start...just start. Once you start, make small obtainable goals but have that big picture. See yourself as you would be once you reached your goal.. What will it feel like? What will people say to you? Etc... feel it..live it...get that as your big picture.
It IS something you can do....some of us just need a little nudge. So, I am nudging you.... I want to help you.. If you want to know more about what I have done to lose 141.5 to date, visit http://www.GetSlim4Good.com. Then take the steps to get started on an amazing and life changing journey.


2012 is to be my year to finish what I started and get this done...I lost another 3 pounds to day and my loss total is 141.5 pounds...

A lot of people ask me how I do..I think choosing this over having loads of medical issues wasn't a hard desicion..I had to get my head and heart into this and have the right program..This program makes it all easy quite honestly...I have done many and by far this was the easiest...plus I have learned so much along the way that I know I will be able to keep this off down the road...I did do one thing that stands out with me....I read everything..every book, every guide, every blog, every review..I have lived and still live on the internet trying to understand how to get myself healthy again...This is my life and my job and my health is important to me..
It wasn't in the beginning, but it is now..
Now I have taken that knowledge to helping others. I have become a health coach for the program that has helped me....I love coaching and I take it serious. I understand that these are human lives trying desperately to lose weight and I don't just take an order and forget about them....I work as hard with them as I work with myself to get them motivated and on track...
I have to admit, since I started coaching others..I really think they help me as much as I help them. I am excited to see their success but know that I must first set the example to them. I love what I do now as a coach. I do take it seriously. but I get so darn mad everytime I see a coach telling people it is ok to cheat a little and I don't really count this myself...DO NOT GIVE YOURSELF PERMISSON! In doing so you only hurt yourself and set yourself up to fail at some point. There will be a time for enjoying other foods AFTER you have reach your goal..We are changing and removing old habits and learning to incorperate new healthy habits into our lives....Stick to the plan...The plan was designed that way for a reason. If you follow it as it was designed you will see the success that I have seen.

My other bit of advice today...is do your own research..You will never learn how to eat properly if you are not figuring it out and understanding it for yourself. While place to go for support are great, they are not doing this for you. Read your guide books, understand where the info comes from...Ask the questions and get the answers, but go back later and verify where it came from. Don't eat a recipe without knowing that it complies..Do the math.. Part of this is learning. There are many people out there giving false guideance... I can assure you everything I tell my clients, I can back up by the program Nutritional people or by the guides and books provided...

Ok....off the soapbox and onward to have another successful week...you have one too!
Keep inspiring!

OK...so if you are looking to start your health journey and you want a program that works..I would love to talk to you and coach you on your path to a healthier and happier you.....Go to my website www.getslim4good.com or drop me a message at pattie@getslim4good.com....I can assure that I am coach that takes this seriously and I am here to help you succeed. Granted you will put in the work, but together we will keep you on path and keep you pushing to acheive your goals!
