Checking in again with all my favorite peeps.. hope everything is going well. I must say that this journey has had its fair share of ups and down...Have any of you had moments where you thought... I am almost there. Close to the finish, just a few more pounds and then I can enjoy real food again? I can tell you even I have had those thoughts. It concerns me at times, and I truly think it is the old habits still buried deep within me....wishing that I would let them resurface just one time.

I could not have asked for a better program to do. This program teaches you so much. For those of you that are just starting out, I want to say "WELCOME". You are certainly in for a real experience. But know that with any weight loss journey it is no magic carpet ride.. You have to be in the game for the success to take place in your life. You must look at this as a lifestyle change and never just a diet that begins and ends.. The dieting portion ends, but then the real part of the journey begins as you work to control those emotions, feelings, and things in our life that in the past have sent us to food.

What I love about this program is the subtle way you follow on this path eating your meals and figuring out that one Lean and Green meal yet we are clueless in the beginning of any lesson being taught to us...What we don't realize is that in every turn there IS a lesson for us to be learning. Recording meals teaches us a discipline that we must always be aware of every morsel that goes in our mouth. Weighing lean portions teaches us how to identify with what a certain portion of meat might look like on our plate when faced with no way to weigh.

When I first started this program, I made it a game to see if I could properly guess the weight of a lean portion.. All I can say is good thing I had the scale to count on, because I was never close. Counting condiments is probably the one thing I understood the least.. How could a few extra sprinkles or spray really add up. But they do! Restricting them is teaching us that awareness of everything having a value in our caloric intake at the end of the day. Lastly, Exercise..We are told after the first 3 weeks to begin a mild form of exercise. People are always missing the boat on that and doing PX90, Zumba, and other intense exercise and then wondering why they are not seeing the results.. This is with many so I am not pointing fingers. Exercise will play a role in our success, but during the weight loss phase it will be more about the beginning phases of creating the habits first, then a calorie burn thing. WE have to remember that we are eating very low calorie, and too much exercise will reverse the process and cause us to stall. What we continue to do throughout the program is learn how to balance it all.. As calorie intake increases when we bring new foods back in, the exercise will need to step up to meet that. It is all calories in vs calories out and balancing that to maintain what we have lost.

I can not stress to you enough how much importance there is in following the guide as the quick start guide instructs..Measure, weight, all serves a purpose down the road when do need to know our calorie intake and how many calories we burn. Don't think it is too much trouble or it is not needed...

Ok enough of that. I am getting off my soap box for now but remember it all plays are part. They created this program and they know what they are doing. If you follow it to the "T", you will reap the benefits down the road...In the meantime,

Keep pushing for your goals, have the big picture in mind. It may only be a pound or 2 you list week, but in the end it all adds up..

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